A new trend in the moving world is minimalist moving. Is this for you? What does this entail? These are all questions that we want to answer for you!

Minimalist moving is defined as being a way to move with less. Before a move you would declutter extensively and only take those items that are truly worth taking. Could this be for you? We would highly recommend it! After all, who wants to move with items that they really don’t need?!

Tips for a Minimalist Move

While having a minimalist move may seem easy at first, remember it does involve a lot of decluttering. And for some, the decluttering process is the hardest part of moving. It may even require adjusting your mindset a bit before you can truly claim to be a minimalist mover! Here are a few tips to help:

  1. Stuff is more than just stuff…it holds an emotional footprint. Why can’t you let certain items go? You need to take the time to understand the emotions behind some objects to truly let these go and not regret it.
  2. What is clutter and what is not? This is a loaded question. You should separate items into those that are practical items and those items that you no longer use, whether they are practical or simply outdated clothing. Donate those items that you haven’t touched to help clear up space.
  3. Get yourself into the right mindset with this mantra to repeat: More stuff equals more time and more money! If you have the right mindset, you are going to do even better with decluttering.
  4. Start easy when it comes to decluttering. Go through those old clothes that you have around. The more practice you get with those easy things, the better you will be with those items that may be harder to get rid of.
  5. Don’t feel as though you must keep those items that you have out of guilt or obligation. Even if the item was a gift, if you are not using it, then you can donate it to someone else that may love it!

Remember, if you need help with your minimalist move, be sure to contact us here at Quality Moving & Storage…we are here to help!