When packing for a move, if you are like most people, it is a chore that you are not looking forward to. It can be a long chore that requires a lot of your time, meaning that you miss out on everything else that is going on. We have compiled several of the packing hacks that have become useful for movers throughout the country. Some of them may be strange, but they do work!

Wardrobe Boxes are a Must

Wardrobe boxes are a great addition to any move. They can work great for packing coats, shirts and even dresses. The best thing about this is that it is going to free up more of your boxes to use for other items, and it is going to ensure that these items arrive at your new home without any wrinkles.

Organize Cords with Toilet Paper Rolls

Do not have the cords of your electronics, and the like just falling around anywhere. You want to ensure that these are easy to move for your movers. So, utilize toilet paper rolls to secure these cords. It is a strange method, that is inexpensive, but it does work.

Avoid Bubble Wrap, Use your Shirts

Though bubble wrap is great, many people have found that their shirts work just as well when it comes to packing those fragile items. In addition, you are packing two things at once, so you are getting more packed. On a side note, be sure to pack dishes in an upright position, as you would a record, wrapped with your shirts to help avoid this breaking.

Plastic Wrap Bottles of Liquid

Put a small piece of plastic wrap on the opening of the bottle, then place the top on this. This way you are double ensuring that these do not leak!

Roll clothes, instead of folding

This can save you a lot of time, and it also ensures that when these clothes are unpacked from the box, that they are not going to be as wrinkled! Rolled clothes are often taking up mess less space that those clothes that are folded, as this is one packing hack that travelers frequently use.

Do you know of any packing hacks that many would consider strange? If so, share them with the world, so we can all have a better move! For those who are moving in the Long Island area, we invite you to contact us at Quality Moving & Storage, as we can make your move even easier!