Packing up and moving can be a stressful time. And many people are simply throwing things into boxes in hopes of getting out of their current home and into their new house. The rushing around can be the reason that they forget one important aspect: Though you may be moving, there are some things that you want to keep with you. There have been countless times that our movers have had clients looking at each box in order to find those few items that they meant to keep with them. That is why we have compiled these tips to ensure that you are ready for your first night in your new home, without having to unpack everything you own within a few hours!

Label a Box

Label a box “Keep”, rather than putting a room destination on this. This will ensure that this box is not packed up and stored on the truck with the rest of your belongings. This is especially important for those how may be moving a great distance and their belongings are not getting there in the next few hours. Label this box and ensure that you keep it out of the way of the rest of the boxes. Try to avoid taping this shut as well, as this will also signal that this box is not to be packed with the others.

What to Put into your Keep Box?

There are several things that you are going to want to put into your box to keep with you. Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Phone chargers
  • Overnight hygiene bag that includes shampoo, soap and the like
  • Two changes of clothes
  • Laptop or anything of this nature that you may need to stay in touch
  • For kids, a few of their favorite toys or those items that will make a move easier
  • Any important papers that you do not want to lose
  • A book or two if you believe you may need some entertainment at night

You can put whatever you may think that you need into this box. The idea is to ensure that you are comfortable while waiting to have your items delivered. For those who are simply moving across town, it should be no time to have your items delivered. However, for those who may be moving into the Long Island from out of the state, then delivery could be a bit longer, so plan accordingly.