Are you taking a vacation this summer? Many people are looking to take a vacation as the warmer weather is here and the kids are out of school. Here at Quality Moving & Storage, while we help tons of people move into the Long Island area, we also want to offer some helpful advice for keeping your home safe while you take that well deserved vacation! And many of the tips that we provide can also be used by those who in the process of moving into a new home, waiting for the old home to get sold!

Consider Automatic Lights or Noise in the Home

More and more people are opting to have lights that come on automatically after a certain point in the day, as this gives the illusion that someone is always home, making your home less likely to be a target for burglaries. Consider having lights come on at various points throughout the night. You can also set your TV or radio to come on just like an alarm to make it seem that someone is there thanks to the noise.

Arrange for Upkeep

Depending on how long you are gone on vacation or how long your home stays empty after a move, there are a few things that you need to arrange for the upkeep of the home, or the curb appeal. For example:

-  Be sure to arrange for our mail to be held or sent to your new address if you have moved

-  Have someone collect any newspapers that may be dropped at the home, as newspapers all over the front stoop shows that no one else home

-  Have someone mow the yard to make it look fresh and as though someone is still here

Take Extra Plumbing and Electrical Precautions

Be sure that you take some extra steps to prevent your home from being damaged while gone. For example:

-  Unplug the small appliances

-  Consider putting the utilities on ‘vacation’ mode

-  Turn off the water to your washer, sink and dishwasher to prevent any surprises when you get home or sell the home

Whether you are taking a vacation or waiting for your home to be sold, a few extra steps in protecting your home is going to be a safe option!